This week has been the Week from Hell, so I haven't been able to get this past week's theme for Blog Stalker 2 up until now. I blame midterms. Anyway, last week's theme was "Who am I?' I don't know if I can answer "who?," but I can answer "what?". Those are two different questions. Funny how we tend to define ourselves by roles we play.
Back on topic...
I am first and foremost a student at an Ohio college. And yes, I have three majors--BS in biology, BA in chemistry, and a second major for the BA in environmental studies. This means I'm insanely busy. The tools of the trade:

Calculator, pile of chemistry textbooks, homework, coffee cup, laptop, printer, iPod.
And all the rest of my books (apart from the ones in my backpack).

And a bag of Hershey's Kisses. I think I went picture-happy in this post. Incidentally, I hope you appreciate it--I cleaned especially for this! (Not that my room didn't need it.)
Since I got here last fall, I've become something of a chemistry nerd. I live on a floor full of chem nerds. You should hear the conversations. We somehow manage to compare things like homework and eating lunch to chemistry. It's terrible, and really funny at the same time.

My bulletin board, with pictures from home and something every chem major should have (in my opinion) on their wall--a periodic table.

What? It's relevant to two of my majors!
Okay, I think I have a life outside schoolwork. I'm a fencer (with swords, not stolen objects, thanks). Fencing owns the part of my life that higher learning doesn't. Here's a picture from a tournament my college's team went to last year:

Terrible picture (I didn't take it, obviously), but not bad considering it was taken at about 7:30 on a Saturday morning, and I'd gotten three hours of sleep the night before. (I cropped it to remove my teammate who probably wouldn't want her picture plastered on the internets.) I'm primarily a sabre fencer, but I'm learning foil in my phys ed class.
I'm also a violist, and have been for the past...nine years. Well, nine years had I actually practiced for most of them. Unfortunately, this was the hobby that had to go when I came to college because practice time was so limited. I didn't even bring it up with me this year, so I don't have current pictures, but here's one from my high school "senior spotlight" concert from two years ago.

That's all I can think of to say about me. I'll be back for this week's post on Thursday, probably. (Biology and o-chem exams next week.)
Oh yes. I knit too.

I think you can be excused for being late on the blogstalking assignment. You've got plenty to keep you busy; we're a pretty easy-going group, it seems, and we're just glad you had a chance to post! It sounds like you're well suited for academic life in general, and your areas of study in particular. It's wonderful that you can make time to knit. Always make time to knit!
This was SO COOL! You're absolutely lovely, and I totally dig that you're a chem nerd. I'm glad you're squeezing us in!
I had several different majors in college. None of them at the same time though. One of my favorites was when I decided to major in Bio so I could be an ethnobotanist, live in the rain forest and discover a natural cure for cancer.
I'm in graphic design now.
I do miss labs though.
Say it with me, "Geeks rule!"
Dang. I feel like a classic underachiever now.
But I did have the periodic table memorized at one time. One of my prouder accomplishments!
How neat that we get to see a sliver of your very busy life! I imagine you in lab poking at the hood with your rapier.
How neat that we get to see a sliver of your very busy life! I imagine you in lab poking at the hood with your rapier.
Oh, I would believe the conversations - my DH is working on his masters in biochemistry and he will ash me the weirdest things. I will proofread his papers (I have a linguistics degree) and I will tell him I understand 1 word in 5 (plus the puncuation) in his papers...
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