Sunday, March 18, 2007


Why do I decide it's a good idea to blog when I have an inordinate quantity of work to do?! I have a 5-to-6-page essay for my seminar class to write for Monday (it was due either the 9th or the 19th--I didn't have it finished for the 9th because of midterms), another essay for anthropology for Wednesday, plus math, chem and lab stuff to do. Speaking of labs...I have no idea how much I have to make up for that. Two titrations for the aspirin analysis lab, printing the results for the iron compound lab, and solution 4 for the spectrography thing. Yuck. So, when is makeup week again? -_-''
On top of all that, I'm supposed to be leading the seminar discussion on Wednesday. I have to watch this movie in order to do so. Go figure, neither my laptop nor my home DVD player will play it. Guess I'll watch it when I get back. I have no idea when my discussion post for that is due. Probably Monday. I hate Mondays, and I hate that class. It's completely pointless. The whole program is pointless. (It was probably designed to get science/engineering students to take humanities classes. Or because someone decided that they couldn't write.)
I'm supposed to be heading back to Cleveland tomorrow. Today, actually. I still haven't completely packed. My anthro book is who-knows-where, I'm still using my laptop, there are various cords everywhere, my chem book is next to me on the floor, and my room is an almighty mess. On the other hand, I did manage to fit everything else I'm taking back up with me in my fencing bag. Amazing!
There is some good news in all this. My chem prof finally (okay, yes, I know he's on break too) got around to posting the exam scores. I got a 99 percent. Which is amazing, considering that I failed the one before that. I wonder what I lost that point on. I know that's insignificant, but I can still wonder. If it's only one point, then it's probably a rounding issue or something small.
I went to the LYS on Thursday. They were out of the Fiber Trends' Hedgehog pattern I wanted, but I treated myself to a (don't tell my mother!) $16 circular needle and 2 skeins of sock yarn. I then went to Michael's and bought myself 8 skeins of Paton's Classic Merino in chestnut brown. Why? I'm planning on knitting Mariah from Knitty. Hopefully my attention span will be kinder to me this time around, now that I've got cable-y goodness to keep my attention. The SWS toe-ups are about 60% done. One is finished and looks good, even if I did bind off a little tight. (I seem to have inherited my grandmother's problem in that.) I also sense another scrap yarn scarf in the future, to go along with my scrap-yarn blanket. And this time, it'll have wool and alpaca in it to go along with the synthetics. :)
Crap. Why is it 4 AM? I have to get up in 5 hours, pack, call my friend to see what the final plans are (he hasn't made them yet. Genius.), drive back to school, then finish the remaining 4/5 of my paper. *headdesk*

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